Treasurechit Live Policies


  1. Overview

Understanding our policies

The following terms, as well as our Privacy Policy, Community Standards, and Terms of Service, apply to all users on Treasurechit. You are responsible for ensuring that your content complies with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations.

  1. General Policies for Treasurechit Live

Prohibited Practices

Treasurechit Live must not be used to mislead users that specific footage is occurring in real time when it is not.


Misrepresenting footage of an event that occurred a year ago as currently happening

Inaccurate Location

Treasurechit Live must not be used to mislead users that specific footage is happening in a particular locale when it is not.


Misrepresenting footage from a different country as footage from the United States

Pre-recorded Content

All pre-recorded content contained in a broadcast streamed to Treasurechit Live wioo be clearly marked as pre-recorded. For broadcasts that contain a mixture of live footage and pre-recorded footage, only the pre-recorded footage will be marked as pre-recorded.


Looping or Static Content

Treasurechit Live should not be used to broadcast looping videos, static images, or poll-only videos.


Streaming a 20-minute clip that is continuously looped

A broadcast that is limited to a photo and has no other auditory or visual elements

A broadcast that only contains a poll

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