Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers


These Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers (“Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers”) govern your (referred to herein as you, your and/or Company) use of the Influencer Tool (defined below). By using the Influencer Tool you agree to these Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers. Please read these Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers carefully.

Through use of the Influencer Tool, Creators are eligible to earn fees for promoting your Influencer Products (defined below). The following definitions apply to these Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers:

Influencer Links means a product tag or a link to a product placed within a Creator Post that is used to attribute purchases of Influencer Products to such a post.

Influencer Products means any products made available by you in the Influencer Tool which a creator may promote on the Treasurechit Service through use of Influencer Links or other means.

Influencer Tool means Treasurechit's native Influencer marketing tool made available on the Treasurechit Service, which allows creators to earn fees for promoting products that you make available for Influencer promotion, as well as any related additional features and services we make available to you.

Creator(s) means any individual Treasurechit user that has been granted access to the Influencer Tool for purposes of promoting your Influencer Products.

Creator Post means any media posted on the Treasurechit Service that includes Influencer Products and/or an Influencer Link that, when clicked, directs an Treasurechit user to a product page or a seller’s store within Treasurechit.

Treasurechit Service means all of the Treasurechit products, features, applications, services, technologies, and software that we provide to advance Treasurechit's mission, as defined in the Treasurechit Terms of Service.

Treasurechit, we, our, or us means Treasurechit Platforms Pvt. Ltd. or any related Treasurechit entity.

  1. In order to qualify to use the Influencer Tool, you must (i) complete the onboarding process, which includes successfully meeting Treasurechit’s Commerce Eligibility Requirements; (ii) be incorporated within the India, which includes the District of Hyderabad; and (iii) complete any other eligibility requirements determined by Treasurechit in its sole discretion.
  2. Your use of the Influencer Tool is subject in all cases to your ongoing compliance with our Policies and our Seller Agreement.
  3. Without limiting anything set forth in the Online Terms (as defined in the Testing Terms) you grant to any Creator using the Influencer Tool, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, irrevocable license to include your Seller Content (as defined in the Seller Agreement) and Influencer Links in Creator Posts.
  4. You agree and understand that Treasurechit may, in its sole discretion, require that Creator Posts include a disclosure identifying the commercial nature of the partnership between you and the Creator.
  5. You agree to comply with any product-specific terms and policies that we make available to you (online or, prior to being made available online, as separately provided to you) and that such terms and policies will also apply to your use of the Influencer Tool.
  6. During the Term, you understand and agree that Treasurechit has sole and exclusive authority to select the Creators who participate in testing the Influencer Tool and post Creator Posts on the Treasurechit Service.
  7. Creators are entitled to include Influencer Links in Creator Posts for any and all Influencer Products made available by you. You understand and agree that the Influencer Tool does not include functionality that will allow Company to untag itself from any Creator Posts once they have been posted on the Treasurechit Service.
  8. Current functionality allows for you to add one (1) store to the Influencer Tool and you must make your entire catalog within such a store available for Creator Posts during the Term.
  9. Your use of the Influencer Tool includes access to a dashboard within the Influencer Tool which includes certain performance metrics for all Creators Posts that include Influencer Links to your Influencer Products. During the Term, Treasurechit will pay any commissions arising from product purchases attributable to Influencer Links to your Influencer Products. Treasurechit may, in its sole and absolute discretion, increase any payments made to Creators participating in the Influencer Tool testing.
  10. You understand and agree that after the Term, your continued use of the Influencer Tool may require that you (i) agree to separate terms and conditions, and (ii) pay any fees owed to Creators that are earned from Influencer Links to your Influencer Products.
  11. Any content you make available in connection with the Influencer Tool, including Influencer Products and Influencer Links, is Seller Content as defined in the Seller Agreement. With prior written approval from Company, Treasurechit may use Seller Content in marketing materials to promote the Influencer Tool or Treasurechit Products, such as case studies featuring Company, and promotion of the Influencer Tool or Treasurechit Products with uses of: recordings (audio, video, digital, still images and/or excerpts thereof) featuring Company and/or Company employees and Company-owned content in those recordings; quotes, testimonials, and profiles; metrics regarding Company’s participation with the Influencer Tool; screenshots depicting Company’s public activity with the Influencer Tool or Treasurechit Products; and additional content or materials approved in writing by Company.
  12. For the avoidance of doubt, Company is responsible for all product purchase transactions attributed to a Creator Post, and any issues associated with such product purchase transactions occurring on its store, including applicable taxes, refunds, customer service, chargebacks and buyer fraud.
  13. These Influencer Tool Terms will commence on the date they are accepted by you and will continue for the term set forth in the Testing Terms (the “Term”) Any provisions of these terms including any terms incorporated herein) that by their nature ought to survive, shall survive termination of these terms.

These terms supplement and amends Treasurechit’s standard Beta Product Testing Terms including all terms referenced therein (“Testing Terms”) (as supplemented and amended). Terms not otherwise defined herein have the meaning given in the Testing Terms. The Testing Terms (for clarity, including the Online Terms) are incorporated herein by reference and apply to Company’s access to and use of the Influencer Tool. For the avoidance of doubt, (a) these terms are part of Company’s use of the Influencer Tool for purposes of the Testing Terms, and (b) Company’s use of the Influencer Tool is part of Company’s use of “Treasurechit Products” or “Products” for purposes of the Online Terms. Company further agrees its use of any Treasurechit Products other than the Influencer Tool, even if used in connection with the Influencer Tool, will continue to be governed by the Online Terms (and not these terms), unless otherwise agreed in writing signed by an authorized representative of each respective party. In the event of any conflict between these terms and the Testing Terms, these terms will govern, solely with respect to your testing and use of the Influencer Tool hereunder, and solely to the extent of the conflict. These terms are Treasurechit Confidential Information under the Testing Terms. These terms, including the Testing Terms, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior or collateral negotiations, proposals, agreements and understandings regarding the same, whether oral or written. By “accepting” these Influencer Tool Terms for Sellers, or by using the Influencer Tool, you represent and warrant that you have all authority necessary to bind the Company to these terms.


Last Modified: May 4, 2023

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